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Snoring in the Elderly: Is It Dangerous?

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Snoring in the Elderly: Is It Dangerous?


Snoring in the Elderly: Is It Dangerous?

It’s no secret that snoring can be bothersome but this thwarting behaviour also deserves medical attention. Snoring may indicate an obstruction in breathing and must not be taken lightly.

Problem snoring is common in men and overweight adults and this condition generally worsens with age. However, snoring in the elderly is not a normal thing. In fact, it can be a symptom of more serious complications, ranging from sleep deprivation, nasal congestion, obesity, enlarged tonsils, depression and sleep apnoea.

Remedy for Snoring

There is no ultimate remedy for snoring but you may do 3 simple measures to help lessen it.

  1. Adjust the inclination of the snorer’s upper body to have a better sleep position. This will aid in relaxing the diaphragm and preventing the tongue from collapsing the airway.

  2. Treat nasal congestion or mouth breathing as this could be a symptom of various underlying problems.

  3. Limit intake of sleeping pills and strong painkillers, especially before bedtime. Snoring vs. Sleep Apnoea To stress out, not everyone who snores has sleep apnoea and not everyone who has sleep apnoea snores. So how do you diff erentiate the two? Well, snoring is just a symptom of a more serious health aliment, known as obstructive sleep apnoea.

Here’s a fact for you: 45% percent of normal adults are occasional snorers and about 25% of the, snore habitually (snoring frequently or always).

Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.

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